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Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care | COVID-19 update from SPPC
solutions, information and resources. Free COVID-19 specific Education Resources and Crisis Response Resources (Centre to Advance Palliative Care, USA) Lots of very practical educational and other resources. (Details of dosage/clinical

Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care | COVID-19: Palliative and EOLC res...
Palliative and EOLC resources These national resources have been in rapid development and may change regularly as work progresses. The #pallicovid hashtag is also being used on twitter to rapidly share problems, solutions, information

Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care | COVID19: Education Resources for ...
of web-based guidance and resources, which includes SPPC’s condensed online module. Free COVID-19 specific Education Resources and Crisis Response Resources (Centre to Advance Palliative

Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care | Public facing COVID-19 resources
Public facing COVID-19 resources These are public-facing resources about the COVID-19 pandemic, which may also be useful for professionals. National Helpline There is a free telephone helpline for people who face significant challenges

Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care | COVID-19 Guidance and Resources
COVID-19 Guidance and Resources These pages bring together the latest published national guidance, news, resources, and research in relation to SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 from Scotland, the UK and beyond. While the pandemic continues, we

Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care | Other useful COVID-19 resources
COVID-19 information and resources CDAS have collated together information and resources to do with the effects of COVID-19 on death and society. British Psychological Society resources The BPS put together some useful tips, advice

Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care | COVID-19 UPDATE from SPPC
Scottish key guidance and resources relevant to palliative care. We also look at other useful resources (UK and beyond) and highlight research sources. There are also some self-care ideas and a couple of things intended to lift spirits.

Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care | June Update from SPPC
Guidelines Network (SIGN) resources SIGN have highlighted a number of resources as useful for NHSScotland. British Psychological Society Resources The British Psychological Society put together some useful tips, advice and links to

Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care | COVID-19 UPDATE from SPPC
Scottish key guidance and resources relevant to palliative care. We also look at other useful resources (UK and beyond) and highlight research sources. There are also some self-care ideas and a couple of things intended to lift spirits.

Untitled document
resources This year, the quiz was a new addition to the selection of things people could do. By adding new resources each year we are finding new ways to engage people, and finding what works and what doesn’t.

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