Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care: Update

Welcome to the third COVID-19 themed edition of UPDATE. Below we highlight new Scottish key guidance and resources relevant to palliative care. We also look at other useful resources (UK and beyond) and highlight research sources. There are also some self-care ideas and a couple of things intended to lift spirits.

There’ll likely be another edition soon. If you have content suggestions including things you want to share please contact SPPC. We’ll try to keep things brief and relevant. Key links in this and future editions will also put on the expanding COVID-19 sections of the SPPC website.

Recent Policy and Guidance

Palliative Care Toolkit (access to medicines)

This palliative care toolkit (published by SG) provides health and social care planners and healthcare professionals with a range of options and tools to help them to identify appropriate and effective measures to improve access to supportive and palliative care medicines across different health and social care settings. Includes exemplars of documentation, policies, charts and flow diagrams.

Addressing Human Rights as Key to the COVID-19 Response

This document from the WHO highlights key health and human rights considerations with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights the importance of integrating a human rights based approach.

Shielding Guidance for GP Practices

This update from Scottish Government consolidates four previous pieces of guidance on identifying and shielding people at clinically highest risk of severe morbidity and mortality from COVID-19.

Updated Information and Guidance for Social or Community Care and Residential Settings (17th April)

The guidance provides advice about COVID-19 for those working in residential settings and provides pdf for download.

Provision of the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death

A CMO letter has been published requesting that all certifying doctors should provide the MCCD as soon as possible to registrars 7 days a week, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

People with Suspected COVID-19 in A&E

Scottish Government has published clinical guidance on the Management of Adults with Suspected COVID-19 in Emergency Departments. This brief guidance includes a flowchart.

Critical Care

NICE has updated (24th April) its rapid guideline on Critical Care in Adults.

Paediatric End of Life Care

PELiCaN, the national Paediatric End of Life Care Network, has published guidance and resources relating to care, bereavement, communication and ethics.

Transitioning Out of Current Lockdown Arrangements

SG has set out the challenges Scotland faces and outlined the approach and principles that will guide decisions to transition from current lockdown arrangements.

The Covid Compendium

The COVID-19 Compendium compiled and updated each day by NHS National Services Scotland contains links to current Scottish, UK and international policy, guidance and resources. Listings are chronological – latest at the top.

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Public-Facing Resources Which May Be Useful For Professionals

Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief

SPPC has published information for people in Scotland who may be worried that they, or someone they care about, is at increased risk of getting seriously ill and potentially dying from COVID-19.

The new webpages aim to answer questions people might have about:

  • What to expect if someone is in an 'increased' or 'high' risk category.
  • Care and treatment available for people at home, hospital and in care homes.
  • How decisions are made about care and treatment.
  • Plans people can make if they’re worried about becoming seriously ill with COVID-19.
  • How a friend or family member can help someone who is very ill (and potentially dying) from COVID-19.
  • What happens after someone dies.
Thanks to the clinicians, members of public and others who provided advice and opinion on this content. The new information can be accessed here: COVID-19 information - hoping for the best, planning for the worst

National Helpline

There is now a free telephone helpline 0800 111 4000 for people who face significant challenges as a result of COVID-19 but who are not in the shielding group. More details on the target group for the helpline can be found here. It will initially operate Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Those who call will be connected to their local authority, who will help them to access the service they need, including essential food and medication, contact with local volunteer groups, emotional support, or links to local social work services for vulnerable children or adults.

Macmillan Cancer Support

Macmillan Cancer Support have produced a wide range of COVID-19 information and guidance for people with cancer. They also offer a Support Line (0808 808 00 00), email and online chat support, as well as an Online Community and linking to local help in each area.

Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland

Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland offer support through their helpline 0808 801 0899, Monday to Friday 9.30am - 4pm. Offerings include: Hospital to Home Telephone Support Service; Kindness Support Service; Advice Line Nurses.

Alzheimer Scotland

Alzheimer Scotland's 24 hour helpline is also available on 0808 808 3000 to make sure that nobody living with dementia or their families are on their own during this time.

Keeping in Touch When Someone You Can’t Be With Is So Ill They Might Die

The National Bereavement Alliance has produced a guide to support people to maintain contact in difficult circumstances.

Deathbed Etiquette

The Art of Dying Well have updated their emotionally sensitive and practical guide to being with a loved one who is dying, to take account of current circumstances and physical restrictions.


Quaker Social Action have produced a detailed guide on organising a meaningful funeral during the time of COVID-19.

Which? have produced an explanation on how coronavirus is changing funerals.

Mental Welfare Commission advice

The Mental Welfare Commission has published advice for people who use mental health, learning disability and dementia services and for their family or carers.

Childhood Bereavement Network

The Childhood Bereavement Network have produced cards designed to help young people who have been bereaved to reach out and ask for the support which they need

Video on Anticipatory Care Planning Discussions

Paul Baughan (GP and National PEOLC Clinical Lead for HIS) has made a short film for the public on ACP discussions.

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Research and Evidence

Healthcare Improvement Scotland is identifying reliable sources of evidence for NHS Scotland (and other providers of care) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Amongst recent additions are NICE Guidelines on specific conditions.

COVID-19 Rapid Evidence Reviews

UNCOVER is a network of population health researchers and information specialists at Edinburgh University undertaking rapid reviews of evidence. As well as publishing their own reviews the group hosts a register of reviews being undertaken around the world and resources to support independent researchers to undertake their own reviews.

Small Selection of Journal Articles

The role and response of palliative care and hospice services in epidemics and pandemics: a rapid review to inform practice during the COVID-19 pandemic

Managing the supportive care needs of those affected by COVID-19

Characteristics, symptom management and outcomes of 101 patients with COVID-19 referred for hospital palliative care

Use of Commercial Disinfectants to Treat Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Through Oral Administration or Subdermal Injection

New Research Studies Seeking Participation

The Cicely Saunders Institute at KCL is starting a new project (CovPall) that is trying to understand more about how palliative care services and hospices are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, the problems that services and patients and families/those affected by COVID-19 are facing, and how to best respond. SPPC and the Scottish Palliative Care Research Forum will be sending more details to service leads across Scotland.

The University of Roehampton, University College London and other partners are seeking participants for their CoVIDA study which explores health and care workers’ mental health during the pandemic. The online survey is available below and takes 10-20 minutes to complete.

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Other Useful Resources

Podcast on ACP

A podcast on ACP has been recorded by Paul Baughan (GP and National PEOLC Clinical Lead for HIS) and Deans Buchanan (Palliative Medicine Lead NHS Tayside & Dundee HSCP, and CMO Specialty Advisor)

Hospice UK COVID-19 ECHO Network Resources

A collection of recordings and lots of resources shared within the HUK COVID-19 ECHO network can be accessed here.

Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICE)

The Scottish Parliament Information Centre provides visualisations of Scottish data (tests, admissions, deaths etc) at national and NHS Board level updated on a daily basis. This is part of a wider offering on their COVID-19 Information Hub.

Person Centred Care

Healthcare Improvement Scotland have curated a range of resources on Supporting Person-centred Care in COVID-19 Situations

Bereavement Charter for Scotland

Scotland’s first Bereavement Charter has been published together with guidance on its use and FAQs


The BMA has produced guidance on ethical issues likely to arise when providing care and treatment during the COVID-19 outbreak. The resource includes an audio briefing and FAQs.

The Scottish Academy, Marie Curie, RCPE and Scottish Care have produced an ethical framework and principles to guide decision making about visits to patients at the end of life.

April is the cruellest month

David Clark has published a blog reflecting on April and COVID-19.

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Communication Guides

There is a growing range of communication guides on the EC4H website. A new video developed with RCPSG which explains use of the RED-MAP guide is now available. Two additional videos on the theme of talking about dying, based on the RED-MAP approach, have been made by Lara Mitchell, Consultant Geriatrician, NHS GGC. One is for health and care workers and a longer version, including principles of treatment, is for medical and nursing staff.

Videos on Communication

eLearning for Health (England) have worked with Kathryn Mannix to produce new videos to support communication with patients during the pandemic.

Learning and Support for Social Care Staff

The Scottish Social Services Council have produced Support with death, dying and bereavement during COVID-19 a collection of web-based guidance and resources, which includes SPPC’s condensed online module (End of Life Aid Skills for Everyone).

Caring for people amidst visiting restrictions

NHS Education for Scotland has published a new resource for staff, entitled Caring for people who are dying and those close to them amidst COVID-19 visiting restrictions.

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Looking After Yourself

Psychosocial mental health and wellbeing support for staff

NES have produced a new education resource which covers looking after yourself, looking after people and looking after your staff. Included is a new module on Psychological First Aid.

Healthcare worker anxiety

This article considers the sources of healthcare worker anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic and suggests messages for leaders and organisations to address concerns.

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Compassionate Communities Week

Compassionate Communities Week is taking place across Scotland from 27 April - 3 May 2020. Led by Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief this is an opportunity to acknowledge, share and support the compassion and innovation that so many communities are showing in response to COVID-19. More information and ideas on getting involved here. This week replaces Good Death Week for 2020.

New Public Information

SPPC has published information for people in Scotland who may be worried that they, or someone they care about, is at increased risk of getting seriously ill and potentially dying from COVID-19.

The new webpages aim to answer questions people might have about:

  • What to expect if someone is in an 'increased' or 'high' risk category.
  • Care and treatment available for people at home, hospital and in care homes.
  • How decisions are made about care and treatment.
  • Plans people can make if they’re worried about becoming seriously ill with COVID-19.
  • How a friend or family member can help someone who is very ill (and potentially dying) from COVID-19.
  • What happens after someone dies.
Thanks to the clinicians, members of public and others who provided advice and opinion on this content. The new information can be accessed here: COVID-19 information - hoping for the best, planning for the worst

Online End of Life Aid Skills for Everyone (EASE)

This new module from SPPC comprises a collection of films and reflections designed for ordinary people who want to know more about dying, death and bereavement, including people who have no previous clinical or caring experience. It will also be helpful for health or social care staff without previous experience of palliative or end of life care whose role is changing in response to the COVID-19 situation. Read more here, including how to access the module.

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A Little Light in the Darkness

Are you aged 101 or younger? Can you dance as well as Percy?

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And Finally……..

Grief in the Time of COVID-19 - A thoughtful essay from members of the International Working Group on Death, Dying and Bereavement (public health subgroup)

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