Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care: Update

Welcome to Update, a monthly round-up of news relevant to palliative care in Scotland, brought to you by the Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care.


A Guide to Children’s Palliative Care

Together for Short Lives has published the 4th edition of A Guide to Children’s Palliative Care, a resource for all those with an interest in planning, commissioning and delivering services and care for babies, children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions, and their families.

Sharing Current Scottish Practice

The SPPC Annual Conference in 2017 featured 46 poster displays, sharing work and research underway across Scotland. Each month, our 'sharing current practice' blog focuses on the content of a few of these posters. This month, we focus on five of these:

A full list of posters from the 2017 SPPC Annual Conference is available here: Poster displays 2017.

Sharing your practice

The SPPC hosts a 'sharing current Scottish practice' blog as a platform for people to share examples of current Scottish palliative care practice that might be of interest to the palliative care community more widely. If you know of work underway that might be relevant for sharing on our website, please get in touch.

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Public and Patient Experience

Managing medicines for patients dying at home: A review of family caregivers’ experiences

This paper by Eleanor Wilson, Glenys Caswell, Nicola Turner and Kirstian Pollock from the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management explores literature focused on family caregivers’ experiences of medications management for patients being cared for and dying at home.

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Academic and Research

SPPC Conference: call for abstracts

Are you involved in an interesting project or in an area of work that you would like to discuss with or show to others in Scotland with an interest in palliative care? Why not apply to display a poster of your work at this year's SPPC Annual Conference?

The annual poster exhibition is an essential part of learning and sharing best practice at the conference. Last year's exhibition showcased a record 46 posters, sharing a variety of work from across Scotland.

If you are interested in presenting a poster to be part of the exhibition, please download complete a poster proposal form and email it to Pauline by Friday 9 November 2018. The poster proposal form can be downloaded here: form

EAPC World Congress: Abstract submission open

Abstract submission for the 16th EAPC World Congress, which will take place in Berlin, Germany 23rd-25th May 2018, is now open. Abstracts can be submitted in two categories, either as an oral or as a poster presentation. The deadline for abstract submission is 16th October 2018.

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Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care Annual Conference 2018

Wednesday 28 November, Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh

Book now to secure your place at this year's SPPC Annual Conference. Click here for a full programme and to book a place. Speakers include:

  • Christian Juul Busch, Hospital Chaplain, Copenhagen University Hospital
  • Kristian Pollock, Professor of Medical Sociology, Nottingham Centre for the Advancement of Research into Supportive, Palliative and End of Life Care
  • Donald MacAskill, Chief Executive, Scottish Care
  • Deans Buchanan, Consultant in Palliative Medicine
  • Paul Baughan, GP and Clinical Leade for Palliative and End of Life Care (iHub)
  • Paul Gray, Director General for Health and Social Care for the Scottish Government and Chief Executive of NHSScotland

There will also be an extensive poster display, Arts Space, and break-out sessions on the topics of human rights, cirhossis, mindfulness meditation and ReSPECT.

For more information and to book a place, visit the SPPC Conference webpage.

Launch of Scottish Compassionate Communities Network

We launch the new Scottish Compassionate Communities Network on 8th October at the Charteris Centre Edinburgh. The network is for people and organisations who want to get involved in practical work to build compassion in their own community, with a particular focus on improving people's experiences of deteriorating health, death, dying and bereavement. More information and tickets are available on the GLGDGG website.

Culture Strategy

SPPC has submitted a response to the Scottish Government's consultation on the Culture Strategy for Scotland.

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Other News

A Good Death Progress Report (Ireland)

The office of the Ombusdman in Ireland has published a report on developments in end of life care in Irish Hospitals since the publication of the Ombudsman’s report in 2014.

Scotland's Service Directory

NHS 24, in partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support, have developed a directory of services on NHS Inform that provides easy to find information on Pharmacies, GP Practices, A&E, Minor Injury Units, Opticians, Sexual Health Clinics, Dentists and Health & Wellbeing services. The new directory is called Scotland's Service Directory.

New Chair at Hospice UK

Robert Peston will become the new Chair of Hospice UK later this year. Robert is Political Editor of ITV News, and also hosts the political discussion show Peston.

In the media

The Herald: We are 200 days away from a cataclysmic breakdown in health and social care

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And Finally...

In each edition of Update we try to end with something a little bit thought-provoking or different... This month, Dr Seuss does Advance Directives...

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Courses and Events

SPPC Annual Conference 2018: The Sense of an Ending: stories, meanings and understanding

Bookings are now open for the Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care Annual Conference, which will take place on Wednesday 28 November 2018 at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. More information, including confirmed speakers, is available here: weblink

Save the date: Compassionate Communities Scotland Conference 2019

2 May 2019, Glasgow. Organised by Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care and Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief. More details to follow.

You matter because you are you….not by what you can do!

St Margaret of Scotland Hospice Lunch & Learn Lecture, with Professor Bridget Johnston. 9 October 2018, Clydebank. To book a place email Margaret Donnelly.

Reducing & Managing Pressure Ulcers at the End of Life

12 October 2018, London. Organised by Healthcare Conferences UK. More information is available here: weblink.

Spiritual Care Conference: Can Spiritual Care Support Realistic Medicine in Practice?

25 October, Airdrie. Organised by St Andrew's Hospice. For more information, call St Andrew's Hospice: 01236 766 951

Palliative Care: Shifting the Paradigm

International Seminar of EAPC RN and the EAPC Reference Group on Public Health and Palliative Care. 25 - 26 October 2018, Brussels. More information is available here: weblink.

Malcolm Goldsmith Lecture: Rev Canon Dr Joseph John Morrow

Organised by Faith in Older People 8 November 2018, Edinburgh. Please email Faith in Older People to register.

Choices when living and dying with a terminal condition - what is the reality?

Organised by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, 9 November 2018. More information is available here: weblink.

Improving End of Life Care for People with Dementia

12 November 2018, London. Organised by Health Conferences UK. More information is available here: weblink.

National Conference: Diversity and Inclusion in Bereavement Support

Organised by Child Bereavement UK. 15 November 2018, Manchester. More information is available here: weblink.

Caldicott Principles & Information Sharing in End of Life Care

3 December 2018, London. Organised by Healthcare Conferences UK. More information is available here: weblink.

Effective Non-Medical Prescribing in End of Life Care

5 December 2018, Manchester. Organised by Healthcare Conferences UK. More information is available here: weblink.

Alzheimer Scotland Winter Lecture: Myths & Dreams

Professor Karen Ritchie, Research Director, French Institute of Medical Research (INSERM). 10 December, Glasgow. More information is available here: weblink.

St Margaret of Scotland Hospice courses

A full list of courses delivered by St Margaret of Scotland Hospice is available on their website.

St Columba’s Hospice in collaboration with Queen Margaret University provide two programmes of study:

The Graduate Certificate in Palliative Care

The Graduate Certificate in Palliative Care programme consists of four 20 Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework (SCQF) credit (degree) level 9 modules. These modules can be taken by students with or without a degree and are relevant to health and social care professionals working in adult, children or neonatal services, in either hospital, community, care home or hospice settings.

The MSc in Person-centred Practice (Palliative Care)

The MSc in Person-centred Practice (Palliative Care), SCQF level 11, is designed for experienced practitioners from all disciplines involved in the care of patients with advanced progressive disease and their family. The programme of study is relevant to health and social care professionals working in adult, children or neonatal services, in either hospital, community, care home or hospice settings.

More information and details on the modules which are running 2018/19 and how to apply is available here: weblink, or by contacting Sue Thorburn on 0131 551 7710 . To discuss your learning need/mode of study contact Janice Logan - Programme Leader/Lecturer in Palliative Care.

Postgraduate Diploma Person-centred Practice (Palliative Care – Advancing Clinical Practice)

This is a postgraduate, modular pathway of studies at level 11 in the Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework (SCQF 2017). The pathway sits within the MSc Person-centred Practice (Palliative Care) programme and is run in partnership between St Columba's Hospice, Edinburgh and Queen Margaret University. Apply to Admissions, or for further information contact Janice Logan, tel: 0131 551 7710.

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