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SPPC Work Plan for 2016-17

We are pleased to announce the publication of our work plan for the coming year.

The SPPC exists in order to promote equitable access throughout Scotland to high quality palliative care for all patients and families on the basis of need not diagnosis. The emergence of “health promoting palliative care” has broadened the scope of work to include determinants of better death, dying and bereavement which lie out with the domain of traditional formal health and social care services.

The Work Plan for 2016-17 sets out the activities we plan to undertake over the coming year, all of which aim to support our six strategic priorities:

  • to provide strategic leadership in improving the experience of death, dying and bereavement in Scotland. By this we mean: maintaining a whole system perspective and associated intelligence; advocating the importance and value of palliative and end of life care; contributing to the development of strategic thinking and national policy and brokering strategic collaboration.
  • to identify, and support the spread of, good practice and innovation.
  • to promote public and professional awareness, understanding and knowledge of ways to improve death, dying and bereavement and promote public dialogue around these issues.
  • to encourage effective planning for better death, dying and bereavement by the public, and by professionals together with patients and families, at all stages of life.
  • to work to ensure that the experiences of the public, patients and families inform the development and implementation of policy and practice.
  • to undertake any necessary organisational change/development required to deliver these strategic objectives.

The plan can be accessed here: Work Plan for 2016-17

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