Scottish Government is holding a series of engagement events to inform the development of its forthcoming palliative and end of life care strategy.
The events will take place in June, via Teams. More details (joining arrangements, timings, programme, discussion papers) will follow in due course. For now please hold the date(s) for any events you would be interested in and potentially able to attend.
UPDATE: All the scheduled engagement events in May and June to inform the development of the forthcoming palliative and end of life care strategy have been cancelled. A new timetable of events and more detailed update will be provided in due course.
Date (am / pm) Topic
Tues 14th June (am) Improving and Embedding Paediatric and End of Life Care Palliative Care
Thurs 16th June (pm) Measuring and Understanding What Matters
Tues 21st June (am) Person Centred Care Planning
Thurs 23rd June (pm) Improving Bereavement Support
Tues 28th June (am) Topic to be confirmed
Thurs 30th June (pm) Topic to be confirmed