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Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care | October Update from the SPPC
Friends is the Samhain Supper. Samhain (pronounced sow-inn ) is the ancient Celtic celebration of the dead, traditionally held from sunset on 31 October to sunset on 1 November. Much like a Burns Supper is used to toast the memory of the

Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care | May update from the SPPC
To Absent Friends Community Supper in Edinburgh The To Absent Friends Supper is a modern take on a timeless concept - getting together over food to remember people who have died. This November, the Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care

Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care | June update from the SPPC
To Absent Friends Community Supper in Edinburgh The To Absent Friends Supper is a modern take on a timeless concept - getting together over food to remember people who have died. This November, the Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care

Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care | August update from the SPPC
To Absent Friends Community Supper in Edinburgh The To Absent Friends Supper is a modern take on a timeless concept - getting together over food to remember people who have died. This November, the Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care

Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care | October Update from the SPPC
To Absent Friends Supper The Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care warmly invites you to a To Absent Friends Supper , with three-course meal and entertainment from local artists. Book a table, invite some guests, and raise a

Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care | September Update from the SPPC
here: To Absent Friends Supper Do you work with people who enjoy sharing their memories of times gone by? This October we are working with Scottish Care and the Luminate Festival of Creative Ageing on an initiative which aims to

Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care | October Update from the SPPC
here: To Absent Friends Supper Back to top Other News NEoLCIN briefing (England) The National End of Life Care Intelligence Network (NEoLCIN) have launched a number of products to inform end of life care planning in the care

Untitled document
The Elephant in the Room, a supper discussion at St Matthew’s Church, Perth* Making Memories, a programme of events at the Margaret Kerr Unit, Borders General Hospital, Melrose Let’s Talk About Death, a private event run by Glasgow charity,

Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care | News | To Absent Friends Festival
here: To Absent Friends Supper Do you work with people who enjoy sharing their memories of times gone by? This October we are working with Scottish Care and the Luminate Festival of Creative Ageing on an initiative which aims to

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