In 2017, the Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care published Bringing People Together, an organisational strategy setting out our strategic priorities up to 2020. Within it, we outline four main strategic priorities that we will work towards between 2017 and 2020:

- Generate, gather and share information and expertise which supports organisations and practitioners to improve care.
- Foster networks which support collaboration and joined up working between organisations and individuals towards realising the aims of Scottish Government's Strategic Framework for Action on Palliative and End of Life Care.
- Support research and the spread of effective practice and innovation.

- Provide channels through which the experiences and ideas of those working in this field can influence the development of policy and practice.
- Advocate the value of good care towards the end of life.
- Enable the views and experiences of the public, patients and families to be heard and exert influence.

- Provide information, resources, leadership, ideas, networks and events which promote more open and supportive attitudes and influence public policy.
- Promote the importance of planning ahead for ill health and death, and reducing inappropriate medical interventions towards the end of life.
- Build the inclination, confidence and capacity of other organisations to promote open and supportive attitudes and behaviours relating to death, dying and bereavement.

- Improve our funding position.
- Support and develop our employees and volunteers.
- Position ourselves to better engage with and serve all staff who care for people towards the end of life, whether or not they identify their work as"palliative care".
The strategy was developed by the SPPC Council together with SPPC members and other stakeholders between October 2016 and March 2017. A full copy of the strategy is available to download here: Bringing People Together, SPPC strategy 2017-2020.