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Cross Party Group Meeting, 21 March 2012: 'Paediatric Palliative Care in Scotland - How did we get here and where are we going?'

Click here for a copy of the biography of Dennis Robertson MSP Vice-Convener (who chaired the meeting).

At this meeting Dr Dermot Murphy (Consultant Paediatric Oncologist RHSC Yorkhill) and Dr Pat Carragher (Medical Director Children's Hospice Association Scotland) delivered a presentation 'Paediatric Palliative Care in Scotland - How did we get here and where are we going?' about palliative care for children and young people.

Click on the following for further information:

CHAS (Children's Hospice Association Scotland)

CYPADM (Children and Young Persons Acute Deterioration Management)

GIRFEC (Getting it Right for Every Child) was the national programme which aimed at changing the way adults thought about how they could help children and young people reach their full potential.

Recommendations for service configuration for adolescents and young adults with palliative and end of life care needs produced by Living and Dying Well's Short Life Working Group (6).

Also at the meeting, information was circulated from the General Medical Council who at that time was seeking views on guidance for its decision makers when they were considering allegations about a doctor’s involvement in encouraging or assisting suicide. The guidance would help those who made decisions at the investigation stage (Case Examiners) to make clear and consistent decisions about how the GMC should respond to allegations against doctors, and whether the case should be referred to a Fitness to Practice hearing.

UPDATE: The consultation ran from 06 February 2012 to 04 May 2012 and responses would be used to help the NMC produce the final version of the guidance in Summer 2012.

Meeting Papers:


Approved minute of XPG meeting -21 March 2012




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