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COVID-19: Making and communicating decisions

This page lists some of the latest guidance on making and communicating decisions around COVID-19.

Communication Guides

There is a growing range of communication guides on the EC4H website. A new video developed with RCPSG which explains use of the RED-MAP guide is now available. . Two additional videos on the theme of talking about dying, based on the RED-MAP approach, have been made by Lara Mitchell, Consultant Geriatrician, NHS GGC. One is for health and care workers and a longer version, including principles of treatment, is for medical and nursing staff.

Videos on Communication

eLearning for Health (England) have worked with Kathryn Mannix to produce new videos to support communication with patients during the pandemic.

Communication with Patients and Families

Talking with people and families about planning care, death and dying is a new resource which has been developed to support effective communication in the context of Covid-19. (also available via Guidelines site)

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Ethical advice and support frameworks

This guidance is intended to support NHS staff with decision making during the current pandemic.

RCPE: Ethical guidance for frontline staff (published 1 Apr 2020)

Ethical guidance for frontline staff dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic which takes into consideration recent joint statements from the General Medical Council (GMC), the NHS and the UK’s four Chief Medical Officers. It reminds frontline staff that they still require to ensure that care is provided in a fair and equitable way.

Effective Communication for Healthcare - COVID-19 Communication for Professionals

NHS Education Scotland - Support Around Death

The Support Around Death site has gathered a range of resources relevant to the pandemic. Topics include: communication around the time of death; delivering bad news by telephone; death certification and death registration.

Discussion of Unwelcome News during COVID-19 Pandemic: a framework for health and social care professionals

NHS Health Education England have published four videos covering 'Discussion of Unwelcome News during the Covid-19 Pandemic' on the e-learning for healthcare (e-LfH) Hub.

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