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Scottish Parliament

Cross Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Palliative Care

The Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care provides the secretariat for the Cross Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Palliative Care.

The Cross Party Group provides an opportunity for MSPs from all parties, members of the public, and representatives from various organisations to meet and discuss a shared interest in palliative care.

All are welcome to join or attend meetings of the Cross Party Group. Cross Party Groups are regulated by Section 6 of the Code of Conduct for Members of the Scottish Parliament.

For more information about Cross Party Groups, see the Scottish Parliament website. To join the cross party group, please email:

Next meeting: Value-based Care at End of Life

The next meeting will take place in the Scottish Parliament in Meeting Room Q1.03 on Tuesday 24 September 2024 from 6.00pm – 7.30pm. 

This will be a hybrid meeting so attendance is possible on MS Teams or in person.  Please note that as the capacity for this room is 20, we will manage allocation of in-person places if over-subscribed. 

The agenda for this meeting is available to view here: Cross Party Group on Palliative Care Agenda September 2024

To book a place, either online or in person, please contact: 

Previous meetings

Information about previous meetings is available here: previous meetings.



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