Poster Parade Over the years, the poster display and competition has formed an integral part of networking and best practice sharing and learning at our Annual Conferences. Since the pandemic we've brought this online in a virtual Poster Parade. 36 posters were submitted, showcasing a huge range of work from across Scotland. People came together virtually on 28 October for the Virtual Poster Parade to view presentations of some of this work. A recording of the Poster Parade Event can be viewed here: Poster Parade Event The virtual poster exhibition can be viewed here: Poster Exhibition. Derek Doyle Poster Prize Each year the Derek Doyle Poster Prize is awarded to the poster that gets the most public votes. As many people will know Derek was a key figure in Scotland, the UK and globally in the development of palliative care – instrumental in establishing palliative medicine as a speciality, first chair of the Association for Palliative Medicine, first Vice-Chairman of the European Association for Palliative Care and a founding member of the International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care. This year, the winners of the Derek Doyle Poster Prize were Michael Loynd, NHS Highland and Lorien Cameron-Ross, Highland Hospice, for their poster End of Life Care Together Highland. End of Life Care Together (EoLCT) is a partnership of organisations in Highland focusing on service transformation by delivering outcomes that matter to people and their family and carers in the last year of life. This novel collaboration led by Highland Hospice and with strategic focus from NHS Highland aims to optimise End of Life (EoL) care through a population value approach with equitable access to services. Annual Conference 2022 We are planning the return of the (face to face) SPPC Annual Conference for Thursday 31st March 2022. A lot can happen before then, but for now we are looking forward to welcoming you back in person to the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. Consultation on the COVID-19 Inquiry Aims and Principles SPPC has submitted a response to the Scottish Government consultation on the aims and principles of the covid-19 inquiry. Consultation on the National Care Service SPPC has submitted a response to the Scottish Government consultaiton on the National Care Service. New SPPC Council Member We're pleased to welcome Jacki Smart, Chief Executive of ACCORD Hospice, on to the SPPC Council. Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults SPPC will draft a response to the consultation on proposals for an Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults Bill, and will be circulating the draft response to members for comments. Back to top |