Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care: Update

Everyday Compassion: Supportive responses to dying and bereavement by schools, neighbourhoods and workplaces.

Wednesday 25th April 2018, Renfield St Stephen Centre, Glasgow.

Tickets: £20. View the full programme here: Everyday Compassion Conference Programme

Conference Programme



The conference will bring together experts from across Scotland, the UK and beyond, to explore practical ways of encouraging a more open, supportive and compassionate Scotland in relation to death, dying and bereavement.

Plenary speakers include Kerrie Noonan, Director of Australia's GroundSwell Project, Professor Allan Kellehear of the University of Bradford, and Dr Libby Sallnow of University College London Hospital.

The day will include a focus on death education and bereavement support in schools, with contributions from Helen Quinn, of St Francis Xavier’s Primary School in Falkirk, Sally Paul of Strathclyde University, and Stephen Fischbacher of Fischy Music.

Themes covered throughout plenary and breakout sessions will include:

  • Compassionate Communities
  • Death Education and Bereavement Support in Schools
  • Socio-economically Disadvantaged Communities
  • the role of Faith Communities
  • Media Campaigns
  • Compassionate Workplaces
  • Community Development
  • To Absent Friends Festival

View the full programme here: Everyday Compassion Conference Programme

The event takes place on Wednesday 25th April 2018 at Renfield St Stephen Centre, Glasgow. Tickets, priced at £20, are available via Eventbrite.

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Call for posters and speakers

Are you involved in an interesting project that promotes open attitudes or planning ahead or community involvement in death, dying and bereavement?

Would you like the opportunity to share your work with other like-minded people in Scotland?

Why not apply for an open mic slot or poster display at the upcoming Everyday Compassion Conference in Glasgow?

  • To apply for a 5 minute presentation slot during the Open-mic quick-fire session, please email Susan by 9 March 2018, with your name, role, organisation and 3-5 bullet points summarising the proposed content of your presentation.
  • To apply to display a poster of your work at the conference, please download the poster submission form and email it Susan by 9 March 2018.

For more details check out the conference website: Everyday Compassion Conference

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