SPPC's response to the consultation on proposed amendments to the Adults with Incapacity Act.
This brief describels the key features contained in the Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill, published 28th March 2024. It describes what the Bill says – it is not an analysis or critique.
SPPC Response to the Scottish Parliament Call for Evidence on the National Care Service Bill
The attached submission was made via the UK Commission on Bereavement online form in December 2021. Red text indicates the questions asked by the Commission. Black text is the SPPC response.
The SPPC has submitted a response to the Scottish Parliament Health and Sport Committee Inquiry into Social Care.
SPPC response to the Scottish Parliament Health & Sport Committee consultation: What should primary care look like for the next generation?
Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care comment on The Inescapable Truth about Dying in Scotland (a new report by Dignity in Dying).
Submission to Scottish Government Consultation on Benefits Assistance Under Special Rules in Scotland (BASRiS)
A Response by the Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care to the Consultation on A Culture Strategy for Scotland
Consultation on the Proposed Reform of the Adults with Incapacity Act - Response from Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care.
SPPC's response to Scottish Government's consultation on: A Connected Scotland: Tackling social isolation and loneliness and building stronger social connections.
This briefing explains the SPPC constitution, which was updated in March 2018,
This submission puts forwards views for consideration as part of the public engagement exercise being undertaken by the Scottish Government and COSLA on the development of Public Health Priorities for Scotland. It suggests that: 1. Public Health Reform discussions should be reframed to talk not just of improving ‘health’ but of improving ‘health and wellbeing’. 2. “Adjusting to the needs of an ageing population” should be a Public Health Priority.
The SPPC's response to the Scottish Parliament Health & Sport Committee's call for views on Innovation and Technology in the NHS.
This paper explores some of the challenges and complexities involved in measuring the quality of patient and carer experiences towards the end of life, and proposes a two-tiered approach to future measurement of this area.
The SPPC has submitted a response to the Scottish Parliament Health & Sport Committee's recent call for views on the Preventative Agenda.
The SPPC's response to the Scottish Parliament Health & Sport Committee's call for views on Healthcare in Prisons.
A response to Healthcare Improvement Scotland's Quality of Care Review consultation, from the hospice members of the Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care.
The Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care has submitted a response to the recent HIS consultation on draft Complex Nutritional Care standards.
The SPPC's response to the Scottish Parliament Health & Sport Committee's call for written views in relation to palliative care in August 2015.
The high profile public debate about assisted suicide illustrates that many people feel strongly that it is important to retain some control of their own destiny if their health declines. The proposed Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill aims to introduce an additional choice, subject to conditions, for people with terminal, life-shortening conditions. Within this context it is relevant to consider the choices and mechanisms that currently exist to enable people to exercise some control if their health declines and as they approach the end of life. The attached briefing aims to provide MSPs with factual information about these existing choices and mechanisms.
The Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care has submitted a response to the Scottish Government's proposed Bill relating to burial and cremation and other related matters in Scotland (2015).
The Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care has submitted a response to the Scottish Parliament Health & Sport Committee's request for views on the Carers (Scotland) Bill.
The Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care submitted this response to the SG Consultation on proposals for prescribed information to be included in the integration scheme relating to the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014.
Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care (SPPC) response to the Finance Committee’s questionnaire on the Financial Memorandum relating to the Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill. (June 2014)
Submission by the Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care to the Scottish Parliament Health & Sport Committee - Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill, June 2014.
This paper describe the process by which a Bill in the Scottish Parliament may become law; updates on the progress of the Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill through this process; and identifies ways in which individuals and organisations may influence the legislative process.
This briefing provides a short overview of the Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill introduced to parliament on 13th November 2013.
This briefing highlights the importance of palliative care in helping to meet the specific outcomes set out within Reshaping Care for Older People and provides some practical examples.
A briefing relating to the Scottish Parliament Public Audit Committee interest in palliative care: Jan – March 2011.